Who We Are

Impact was originally a cell group started in June 2004 in Pasadena by Jack and Annie. In August 2005 Pastor Liu Tong, Sr. Pastor of River of Life Christian Church in San Jose, envisioned the needs for young people to have a different style of church; he then decided to support Impact in becoming a youth church in LA. Through God’s love and grace, Impact is called to minister to this generation in the San Gabriel Valley area. Since then Impact Harvest Church has been sharing Jesus Christ to a Multi-cultural generation of high school, college students and young adults.

God has given us an assignment. A Christian life is one huge life of impossibility. We have been called by God to invade the impossible.


Loved By God, loving God. Restoring the spiritual son-ship. Empowered for the great commission.


Our desire for your personal growth


Sharing the LOVE of God.


Creating a HOME for new believers.


Equipping believers for their DESTINY.


Releasing the KINGDOM builders.

ENCOUNTER /Loved by GOD, Loving GOD

DISCIPLE /Restoring the spiritual son-ship

SEND /Empowered for the Great Commission

Impact Staff

Jack & Annie

Founding Pastors/ Senior Leaders

Since 2005, the husband and wife duo, Jack and Annie Lee have led the Impact church community with the core beliefs of believe, belong, build and become. Jack is a missionary and has planted churches in India, Nepal, Senegal, Togo and Taiwan. Having their roots in Taiwan they have raised many spiritual children across California and led many to Christ through their love of the Lord. Annie leads the ever growing Children’s Ministry and also oversees Operations and Finance. Parents to two beautiful girls.

Sean & Wendy

Associate Pastors

As well as being missionaries to China, Husband and Wife, Sean and Wendy are leaders in the Chinese community of Impact giving many powerful sermons and testimonies of God’s love. They also lead the life group Faith.


Associate pastor

Ex-gang member turned Pastor who gave his life to Christ and transformed himself and those around him. Ken is involved in life groups and leads ministries including rehabilitation for ex-gang members and drug abusers through art therapy and examples of God’s love. Also a video producer, Ken creates short films of people’s testimonies.

Anthony Hsu

Associate Pastor​

A previous youth pastor Tony serves the church through sermons and connecting with the local community amongst the homeless and elderly. Tony also leads the Men’s Group, gathering the men of the church who after God’s own heart with the core principles of Vulnerability, Accountability and Confidentiality. Also leads frequent mission trips to Tijuana, Mexico, his wife Vivell’s hometown.

Timothy Liao

Associate Pastor

Andy leads the administrative and web based aspects of the church but is also a worship leader. He has built teams that deliver powerful worships and bring people closer to the Holy Spirit through music and prayer. Andy also leads teams in the mission field to India and China and facilitates trips to spread the gospel and support affiliate churches. A dedicated Husband and Father.

Jonathan Wright

Secretary, Finance/Operations

Originally from London, England, Jonathan was introduced to Impact while travelling the world and didn’t look back, marrying his wife Jennifer and becoming a Christian in the process of relocating to the USA. Jonathan completes the general duties of finance and operations including, overseeing offerings/tithes and the running back of house duties. Also supports in facilitating Men’s Group.

Brian Park

Worship Pastor

Through his worship sets Brian has greatly influenced the culture of worship in the church. He currently leads and builds up the worship team and as a student of music and songwriter has written his own worship songs, including most recently the single Here’s My Heart. He is also a dedicated husband and a father of two children.

Michael Chou

Governing Elder

Leader of Bridge life group, Men’s group, individuals and also part of the worship team, Michael serves the church overseeing, advising, mentoring and contributing his wisdom through God as a Governing Elder. He also leads by example as a dedicated Husband and Father.

Orson Hwang

Governing Elder

Leader of the life group JSU which places an emphasis on teaching and interpreting the gospel, Orson and his wife Tiffa have brought many people to Christ and have a heart for outreach. Also the director of the sound team Orson has brought technical and engineering experience to the church. He also serves as a U.S Marine reserve as well as becoming a governing elder

Ella Delacruz

Children's Ministry Director

Ms. Ella has a passion for children and a heart for guiding them as they begin to develop their spiritual walk and journey with God. Ms. Ella grew up serving in children’s ministries alongside her parents and believes in preparing the next generation to continue to be the light and pass it to the generation that follows.